2024 OPEN of CAEN : STARNAV participate to the padel tournament
Congrats to the STARNAV team, with a honorable score in a competitive padel group
Starnav is the innovative company of image processing.
Navigation & Astral Tracking – Weapon settings – Industrial developments.
STARNAV is the expert company for geometric data extraction by image processing. . Our algorithms are original, accurate, quick and adpted to your own needs. They produce high performance results, with very quick ROI.
Expert historique en visée astrale (Stellaire, Solaire, Lunaire, Planétaire), STARNAV dispose des compétences qui permettent d’adapter nos algorithmes à vos systèmes optiques afin d’intégrer les fonctions de navigation dans vos applications.
RAPACE est un système révolutionnaire de réglage d’armes sans tir, facile et rapide à mettre en œuvre. Issu de la recherche STARNAV, ce dispositif peut s’adapter à tous les types d’armes avec une précision impressionnante.
STARNAV développe des systèmes logiciels qui permettent une interaction homme machine sans contact, intuitive, précise et rapide.
STARNAV offers solutions based on image processing techniques. Based on your issue, STARNAV develops, improves and deploys tailor-made hardware and algorithmic solutions.
Our most significant services concern the ASD field: Aeronautics – Space – Defense.
Our ambitious plans allow us to aim for a world leader position in the fields of astral Navigation and Weapon setting.
STARNAV was created in 2007 to extend the scope of star trackers to other fields :
For our team, the next development will always allow to progress together.
“Vision” has a special signification for STARNAV. It constitutes the hearth of our activity, image processing, and the hearth of our skills : scientific and indutrial development.
To be able to provide you the innovation and performance you need into your systems tomorrow, we have to be able to appropriate the technology changes, methods improvement, architectures modification.
We cannot just wait and adapt us, but we have to anticipate and propose our own innovation.
It needs an analysis and a “Vision”, but also a lot of work : technology watch, intern developments, changes management… and we do it for you.
Congrats to the STARNAV team, with a honorable score in a competitive padel group
MAGELLAN acquisitions have been carried out thanks to a project by the Innovation Office of the POITOU Transport Squadron of the French Air Force (BA 123 – Bricy – Orléans). …
STARNAV has installed the new MAGELLAN astro-inertial system on a French navy vessel. The system incorporates a new concept that places the inertial measurement unit as close as possible to …
Some news about STARNAV : France 3 Normandie, France Bleu Normandie, Ouest France…. Radio : https://www.francebleu.fr/emissions/l-eco-d-ici-en-normandie-calvados-orne/star-nav-cette-entreprise-normande-de-precision-militaire-4239909 Journal : https://www.ouest-france.fr/normandie/vers-des-lbd-plus-precis-le-systeme-de-starnav-offre-une-precision-de-1-cm-a-100-m-de-distance-a541744c-a0
Ask us a question and we will begin to develop a solution together. Collaboration is key. Feel free to contact us.
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